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Salam Club introduction

Salam Club is the most oldest and famous club in Akkar zone. (establish date 1975)
Salam club has all its memberships from Halba population, then Salam club contain Halba with all its ages ,families, states, genders, classes and religions.
Salam club interests are social, cultural and sports of Halba.
our gold dream is to push Halba to the tops in all ways.
Akkar introduction
Kadaa Akkar is northern Lebanese state. Akkar has a wonderful nature (waterfalls, rivers, lakes, beachs, pastures , forests, plain, highlands, castles) and a modest climate.
Akkar people are simple and poor, they are intelligent and pardon.
Akkar contains a collection of all religions and has a historical human peace.
Halba introduction
Halba is a city or a big town(30 km north Tripoli). Halba is the economical, political and official departmental capital of Akkar.
Halba have a good climate (50 m sea up).
Halba people count almost 15000.
Halba has a very good place in Akkar zone (almost geographical and geometrical center). that take a good reason for investors and economists to think about working in Halba.
Halba has a wonderful castle.
and it is nearby of famous castle of Arka.
Halba has a big public library in municipal building.
Halba has also many sport clubs in various game and many international champions in kickboxing and handball, national champions in billiardo and pingpong, football, basketball and voleyball.

Last news


Abdullah Tarek Ismail Wedding In Tlail, congratulation

Chadi Isam Osman comme back to Romania


Rabih Mhammad Hammoud and Rana Hussein Hammoud wedding in quality in, congratulation


Rabih Hamdach visit Lebanon for a week

Hajeh Khaldieh EL Hassan (Om Ziad) and Mss Fatmeh El Hassan go to Saudia for an Omra


we announnce wit every sorry about Abou Mrad Hammoud dead, our consolation to his familly


Ibrahim Farouk El Hassan will leave to Egypt with his family for a trip

AbdlALLAH Tarek Ismail engagment congratulation


we announce with every sorry about Hatem Al Raess dead , our consolation to his family

Ibrahim Al Ragab and Ahmad Ibrahim left to AlRiad - Saudia Arabia for a job opportunity

Hajeh Ifdal Hamdach come from Saudia Aarabia after a long visit to her son Rabih


we announce with every sorry about Hajj Bashir Mustafa dead (Dr. AbduLNASER, Mouhammad, AbdelKAHER,Dawood 's father), our consolation to his family


we announce with every sorry about Khaled Hammoud Mother dead, our consolation to her family


Saiid Moreb left to Camron for a job opportunity


Dr. Jamal Mahmoud Hammoud married last week, congratulation

Osman Khalil Kadour open a new Langery

Halba Official Institute open in the new building, accross Zaraa


Msbah Hammoud come from Germany for a visit

Mhamad Kassem Kalakech get a job opportunities in Dubai like a computer engineer


Cheikh Naser Slouaiman, SadALLAH Khaled Halabi, Imad Rabah Halabi, Monir Kadour and Majeda Halabi return from Saudia Arabia after Haj trip


Hajeh Amira Halabi enter in care unit in Akkar hospitality

M. Nouhad El Hassan enter in Halba Hospitality after Tifouid infection

Chadi Osman will visit Lebanon next month coming from Romania


engagment of Gazi AbduLMAJID Halabi and Kamal Mhamad EL HASSAN's daughter, congratulation

wedding Of Fadi Adnan Halabi (Monajed) , congratulation

Rabih Farouk Hamdach visit Lebanon for a few days


Omar Youssef mother dead, our consoltaion to her family

Hadi Fadi Halabi success in BP Electrical certification , congratulation


Today Ali Khalil Kadour wedding, congratulation

Walid Khaled El Hassan enter in CNAM unicversity Beirut in master 1 managment


we announce with every sorry about Ali Ozo dead after a car accident, our consolation to her family

Maher Osman leave to Romania after a parent visit


today Mhamad Khoder Ibrahim Halabi wedding, congratulation


WasimAbduLKARIM Hammoud and his wife Farah Hamoud and his sister Diaa Hamoud leave to London, Brag for a 13 days trip

Omar Mahamoud Hamoud leave to Istamboul (Turky) for a 3 days trip


Fitr Mbarak

Ahmad Soubhi Halabi Enter in BAU university in faculty of engineer


Rabih Farowk Hamdach get a new baby (Ziad), congratulation

Riad Farowk Hamdach let to Golf for an job opportunity


BasketBall festival in Halba official high school for Chouhada Lebanese Army


Ayman Ahmad Ayach engagment congratulation


Ramadan Karim


next week Omar Mahmoud Hammoud and Rouaim Nafeh will trip to Germany for three weeks of solar system training

Mhamad Halabi Success in Brevet certfication, congratulation


Engagment of Dr. Jamal Mahmoud Hammoud, congratulation

Slayman Ismat Halabi Success in Brevet certfication, congratulation


Today Bashir Badawi arrive from Germany inchALLAH

last sunday Amran Boukhari and Adham and Mhmad Naiim left to Italy


we announce with every sorry about Ibtisam Mohyidin Zohbi 's wife dead, our consolation to her family


Tomorrow inchALLAH Jamil Diab and Muhamad Rifaii come from Germany for a visit


Mhamad Omaraiim leave today to Mosco to complete his studies (medecin)


yesterday, Mhamad Mahmoud Mrad injured in Bared, he is now good state


Mslmani SuperMarket was opened on Cheikh Taba cross, congratulation

Hiba Mhamad Kouja success in BT Jardiniere, congratulation

Majed Talal Halabi success in BP Electrical, congratulation


Hajeh Hindieh Khaled Halabi (Hajj Ahmad Nadim EL Hassan wife) exit for care unit in Yussef hospitalty

Next Sunday inchALLAH Salam Club organize a trip to Kamouaa plan for our juniours memberships


we announce with every sorry about Hajeh Zouhair Hammoud 's wife dead, our consolation to her family


this month Omran Boukhari will leave to Italy for high studies compplete

Mhamad Ahmad Ayach will leave to Canada (Monreal) with his brother Engineer Louay to get a master engineer degree

Chadi Isam Ousman success in third university year managment Romania, congratulation


Manal ahmoud Hammoud left to France for a trainning belong to Lebanese University for two weeks

Wajdi Mahmoud Halabi success in BP Hotel science certification, congratulation


next Sunday incALLAH the annual trip to KamouAA plan


blood need in all types for Yussef hospitality, we hope your help

Rami Imad Halabi success in second university year in BAU faculty of engineer mecanical option , congratulation

Ahmad Khaled EL Hassan and Bashir AbdulNASER Mustafa success in first university year in BAU faculty of engineer, congratulation

Mustafa ablKARIM Halabi get a new baby (SON), congratulation


Mirna Nadime Yaakoub, Ibrahim Mhamoud Halabi, Mahamoud Ziad Zohbi success in Brevet , congratulation


Mhamad Mahmoud Mrad get a new baby (girl) , congratulation

Eng Louay Ahmad Ayach visit Lebanon for tree weeks

Dr. Mustafa Rifaii finish his phd in general medecin (Okrain), congratulation

Mhamad Ahmad Ayach finish his licence in technical industrie Lebanese university< Sayda, congratulation


Osman Kadour get a new baby , congratulation

Rabih Mahmoud Halabi and Maya Nasrat get a new baby (Razan), congratulation

Chadi Osman and Mustafa Rifaii arrived from Romania anad Okrania Respectively, congratulation


Stifani Josef Abaid, Kloud Walid Al Ali, Samer Haissam AL Khoder and Samer Achir AL Sayed success in Economy and sociology Bacc SE , congratulation

Mr. Mahmoud Ayach does an eye operation in Nini Hospital


Souraya Mahmoud Hammoud success in Life science Bacc SV with GOOD grade, congratulation

Khawla Ahmad Halabi visit Lebanon

Issa Mhamad Ayach does a operation in Youssef Hospitality


Haissam Mustafa Mustafa and Ahmad Soubhi Halabi success in general science Bacc SG, congratulation

Bahaa Khaldoun Haslabi,Asar Hassan Kouja, Ranin Amer Halabi success in Life science SV Bacc, congratulation


next week Eng. Louay Ahmad Ayach come from Canada

last week Firas Abd star Osman Left to Okrain for a trainning


Engagment of Mr. Jihad Osmat Halabi, congratuation

Engagment of Mr. Bassam Malek Nafeh, congratuation


Mr. AbdSetar Osman exit from Sayedat Al ma3ounat Hospital, congratuation


Mr. Abdulkarim Hamoud exit from Sayedat Al ma3ounat Hospital, congratuation


Mr. Abdulkarim Hamoud do a succefuly open heat operation in Sayedat Al ma3ounat Hospital, congratulation


we announce with every sorry about Mustafa Abdo Halabi dead our consolation to his family


Mr. Abdulkarim Hamoud enter Sayedat Al ma3ounat Hospital after heart problem, he is in stable state


abou Ali saba3 return from Omra trip, congratulation


today Khaled Abd al karim Halabi wedding, congratulation


mhamad mahmoud ayach get a new baby (Issa), congratulation


soldier Naiim Tarraf brother injured in Bared , he is in good health


soldier Rami Mrkbawi blessed injured in Bared war in his foot, he is in good health


soldier Walid Jamil Hamoud blessed injured in Bared war in his foot, he is in good health


fadi ahmad kadour return to Melborn next monday with his daughter


Leutnaunt Rami yaakoub blessed in last Bared Camp events, he is in good health now


Slaiman nadim Hassan return from Omra trip


Dawood Mustafa break lebanese record for Marathon (2hours and 27 minutes ) in London Marathon, congratulation

our champion get the 27th rank in London Marathon between 27000 participants

finaly lebanease marathon record not touched from 1984


Berkaeil Municipality and Sonnaa AL Hayat Club organizes a marathon in Berkaeil, tomorrow


AbulLLAH Tarek Ismaiil return from Ryad (Saudia Arabia)

last week Chawki Ahmad Kadour return to Melborn (Australy)


important sports ivesment For Qatar In Kamoua plan visit sports page of assAfir ( edition of 10/5/2007


we announce with every sorry about Ahmad Kadour dead (Chawki Father) after a cancer attack our consolation to his family


we announce with every sorry about Hani Imad Hani AlHalabi dead (18 years old) after a heart attack our consolation to his family

a expedition "Sign for Aksa" in Dairat AL Awkaf


Ahmad Nasrat and Rouba Hammoud wedding next May 6th in Tleil

Fadi Kadour come from Melborn with his daughter for one month


we announce with every sorry about Hajeh Omaya Awad dead our consolation to her family

Lebanease marathon championship Dawood Bashir mustafa left to Russia to paticipate in Internationnal Marathon


we announce with every sorry about Mr. Hassan Tahech dead our consolation to his family

Two Omra trip left to Saudia Arabia

this week Dr. Khaled Chaaban return to France


Ayman Ahmad Ayach exit from Youssef Hospiality


Kaise Trad left to Sudney


we announce with every sorry about Mr. Ahmad Kadour (Abou Hussein) dead after a cancer resistance our consolation to his family


Ahmad Omar Matar exit from hospitality after a small operation

Bashir Badawi success in first semester in electromecanic engineer in Hanoover Germany


Mhamad Abd WAHAD Zohbi visit lebanon for 15 days coming from Saudia arabic


great fistival in Halba (cross Municupality president house) to animate Muhamad Prophet (PAUH) birthday


we announce with every sorry about Mr. Ridwan Halabi our consolation to his family


we announce with every sorry about Mr. Mrwan Ali Hussein our consolation to his family


Mhammad Mrad get a new baby (girl), congratulation

Frias Issam Othman visit lebanon after ten days coming from Australy , congratulation


we announce with every sorry about Mr. Riad Khoury 's wife dead(Gabreel mother), our consolation to her family


Nouha Soubhi Zeert left to Saudia Arabia for a job opportunity for 10 days only

Khaled Mahmoud al ragab return form Australy

Abdo Hicham Halabi exit from hospitality with good health


Rabih Farouk Hamdach comming from Saudia Arabia, visit lebanon for 1 months with his wife


congratulation to Rabih Farouk Hamdach after his wedding in Saudia Arabia

Mahmoud Khaled El Hassan get a new baby Girl (Anbar) in Sudney Auatralia , congratulation

Fida Adnan AL Halabi get a new baby Girl, congratulation

Bashir AbduLNASER Mustafa and Ahmad EL Hassan success in first semestre in BAU (Engineering) , congratulation

Rami Imad Halabi success in third semestre in BAU (Engineering) , congratulation


Our website will cover Akkar Marathon events in next May


Ahmad tarraf open a retail sales shop for choklate and biscuites and others, near Halba Bridge


we announce with every sorry about Fatima Khoder (Om Tofik) dead, our consolation to his family


quiet return to Halba after last evenments


Rabah Nidal Halabi , Omar Hussein Halabi, Ahmad Khaled El hassan, and Bachir Abdulnaser Mustafa return to their homes with good health and they are not affected with last BAU university developpment


Next week inchALLAH AbduALLAH tarek Ismail left to AL RIYAD (Saudia Arabic) for job opportunitie

Majed Adnan Halabi (Australia) and Maher Osman (Romania) visit lebanon for a week


Mahmoud zahraman and Ali Assaad blessed with Bullets in last evenments developpments, they are now in good health


Toufik Ahmad Tofik Halabi mother enter in Coma and she is in bad health state


Hajj troops begin to return

Adnan Alragab,Mahmoud Al sayed and his wife, Walid ?Mahmoud Alsayed,Soubhi Ahmad El Halabi

Mamoun Mhamad El hassan and his Waif Nouha Tarek Ismail, Jamil Mustafa Jindi and His Wife

Nazih Mtleg and his wif, Abou Bassam Mtleg and his wife, Omar Tleigeh and his wife, Kassem AL Chaar

Monir Kadour and his mother and his sister Samira

Mahmoud mrad, Mhamad hamoud (abou ziad) and his wife,Om Mouhy addine Zohbi and mohamad zohbi, Osman Youssef

Ali Zahraman and his wife and their sun mohammad


Khaled Mahmoud AL rajab left to Australy for three months


Naser Mahmoud Ayach get a new babe (Amin), congratulation


we announce with every sorry about Ahmad mslmani dead (14 years old) after car accident, our consolation to his family


next week Hajj trip begin to leave to saudia arabia:

Soubhi Ahmad Halabi, Maamoun Mhamad EL Hassan and his wife Nouha Ismail, Monir Khadour and his sister, Jamil Jondi, Walid AL Sayed and his parents

Kaisar Hasan Trad visit Lebanon for a week


Hajjeh Houda Charif Halabi exit from hospitality after a successed heart operation, congratulation

ahmad mohammad rifaii exit from cnam university and register in Ts1 IT option


Hajjeh Houda Charif Halabi enter hospitality to do open heart operation, GOD save

Samer Amer Ayach and his family left to Melborn Austaly


Ahmad Walid Halabi open a new Snack restorant, near Asmar Pharmacy, congratulation


Congratulation to Ahmad Mhamad Charif, Tarek Khaldoun Halabi and Mhamad Diab after their success in brevet congratulation

Mustafa Osman enter AUT university in Managment option


Rabih Farouk Hamdach engagment ,congratulation

Fadi Mhammad Abdullah engagment ,congratulation


we announce with every sorry about Hajeh Fatime Ali Mrad (Kazem Zohbi's mother), our consolation


Omar Mahmoud Hammoud get Director of Akroum Institut, congratulation

Manal Mahmoud Hammoud get a new post (teaching) in Lebanease University, congratulation


Omar Hussein Halabi and Ahmad Mhammad Rifaai register in CNAm univesity Beir Hassan (Beirut) in Managment option

Amran Bokhari register in Lebanese university (Fanar) in computer option

Ayman Ahmad Ayach get a new job opportunitie in Yussef Medical center in computer department

Dr. Wassim Hammoud and his wife return from Spain and Greece

Bakr Youness return from Saudia Arabia

Nouha Soubhi Zeert register in Dekwaneh Hotel Institut to complete TS studies


work start in Halba bridge

Rabah Nidal Halabi enter emergency unit inAkkar Hospitality after car accident, his is now in very good health (thanks GOD)


tommorrow Samer Adel HALABI wedding, congratulation

Dr. Ahmad Akkoumi left in last month to Kuwit

Cheikh Ousam Rifaii is the new Akkar Mufti


Fitr Moubarak to all


Today Dr. Wassim Abdul KARIM Hammoud and his wife Farah Ahmad Hammoud left to Spain for a trip

Today Issam Hassan Halabi and Kifah SaadALLAH Halabi and their wifes Aycha Ahmad El Hassan and Roudaina Omar Matar left to Jordan for a trip


Mhammad Rachad AL HALABI passed the engineering entrance exam in Lebanese university (Tripoli Branche 1)

Hassan Gazi AL HALABI success in technical Baccalauriat computer comptability, congratulation

Mustafa Osman and Nadim Ahmad EL HASSAN depassed two car accidents, only material loose (thanks GOD)


Mirna Marwn Mslmani and Wael Mhamad Mustafa passed the engineering entrance exam in Lebanese university (Tripoli Branche 1)


Big book exhibition will begin in Halba

Ahmad Khaled ELHASSAN and Bashir AbduLNASER Mustafa success in engineering concours in Beirut arabic university BAU

Ahmad Mohamad AL RIFAII enter in CNAM university Bir Hassan (Beirut) in Managment option


Sonna Al Hayat Club organize conferences series in Kalaa Mosque in Ramadan


Hanifeh Mouhammad ELHASSAN return to australy


Tommorrow Chadi Osman leave to Romania

The first stationery exhibition will organaize in Halba


Halba municipality rename a new street as Wael Naim martyr street, (from Dr. Gassan Achkar home to civil defence building)


today AbdulALLAH wedding, congratulation

today Dr. Mhamad Allouch engagment, congratulation


photo gallery about Israel aggression, in Halba municipality hall


we announce with every sorry about Aycha Al Charif AL HALABI (Slyman and Adel Nadim AL HALABI 's mother) our consolation to her family


today Loubna AbduLRAHIM Hammoud wedding (Tammam Hamoud 'sister), congratulation

today Firas Osman return from India


today Dr Mohamad Alouch open his medical dental clinic, congratulation

congratulation to Bader Mahmoud AL Ragab after his success int Techincal bacalorea (BT) in commerce option

congratulation to Ginwa Diab after her success int Techincal Superior (TS) in Jardiniaire option

congratulation Sonna AL Hayat Club (Halba Branche) grade eleven students in summer session


we annonce with every sorry about Mustafa (14 years) and Mohamad (23 years) Marwan ALHalabi (AL AMIR) dead after see swamping, our consolation to his family


we annonce with every sorry about Mr. Mohammad Tahech dead (Rouaa Abeul Majid AL HALABI's hasband) after heart trouble,, our consolation to his family

tomorrow Mr Khaled Ayach wedding


Hussam Ahmad Ayach get a new babe (Amina),congratulation

congratulation to Ahmad Mhamad Rifaii, Ayman Ayman Ayach, mustafa Osman and Moatasem Khalil Taraf after their success in Technical Baccaloria (BT) computer accounting

Moataz Adnan Rajab exit to france for a summer university traning in computer telecommunication engineering for Lebanese university

Gazwan Abdu AL WAHED Zohbi success in third university year in Imam Ozaii university in managment option, congratulation


next tuesday Engineer Louay Ahmad Ayach return to Canada

Mr. Ahmad Al Ahmad Halabi come from germany with hisfamily for a smal visit

today Dr. Khaled Omar Chaaban and Rouba Tarek Ismail wedding, congratulation, in Salsabil restaurant

Walid Khaled Elhassan success in first university year in Rouh Kodos university in managment option, congratulation

Nouhad Soubhi Zeert success in hotel BT certification, congratulation


Firas osman exit to Indea to perform a training for one week for lebanese atomic power comity


Osman redelay his wedding because his wife's grand mother dead


today, Osman Khalid Kadour wedding, congratulation


Chadi Osman arrive from Romania for two weeks


tomorrow, Ahmad Nazir Halabi and Roukaya Walid Issa wedding, congratulation


today, salam club organize its yearly trip to Kamouaa plan


we annonce with every sorry about Fatat Mhamad charif AL Halabi dead, Abd AL KARIM Al Halabi wife (Mr. Mustafa and khaled AL Halabi mother), our consolation to her family


congratulation for theirs brevet vertificate success to Nimat Mahmoud Ayach, Maher Isam Halabi, Basel Abdul NASER Mustafa, Abdo Hachem Halabi, Farouk Ziad Hamdach, Louay Al Rays (Ozo) Nihal Ahmad Hazim (Hayat Ayach doughter) , Ranim Mhamd Tamer and bochra Hassan Bakri


thanks for theirs help in rubble boosting

- halba peaople specialy salam club memberships

- halba municipality


big bang hit Halba

Saiid, salam and abdo Hassan EL Halabi, Hassan Gazi EL Halabi, Intissar Farouk EL Hassan, Khaldieh El Hassan (Ziad Farouk El hassan mother) are blessed in Israel attak of Halba bridge this morning

they are in good Health

big building distruction


first chahid from Halba in previous Irael war, Mr. Ali Akoumi (Ziad father) with 14 others peoples in Hissa

we annonce with every sorry about Salam Adel Nadime EL HASSAN dead (17 years old) after cancer resistance, our consolation to her family


Ibrahim Mahmoud Al Ragab enter in security force ISF like a extended millitary service


Mohamad Khoder Ibrahim enter in security force ISF like a extended millitary service


Om Kolsom Khaled AL HALABI exit from yussef hospitality with good health


Osman Kadour delayed his wedding


festivals in halba opposite Israel


Arqaa bridge was broken 2 times in two days

Bilal Chaar enter in security force ISF like a extended millitary service


Mr. Hicham Hammoud get a new baby (female), congratulation.

thx to who help immigration people in Halba, specialy from Australia people

Louay Ayach com from Canada for six weeks

Chadi Osman cancel his visit to Lebanon from Romania

Mustafa Rifaii cancel his visit to Lebanon from Okrain


we ask Halba people to help migration people in cpmplementary official school bye cloths, customs, moneys,...

last week, Naser AL sayed returned from Gana


Thanks GOD, no bodies in our region was infected in the last developpemnts

Congratulation to Hind Nadim EL HASSAN after her success in second Physics year in lebanease university

Fadia Mahmoud Kadour come from Melburn Australia for a visit

Bashir Badawi has canceled his visit from Germany


Congratulation to Amneh Mahmoud AL Ragab, Hiba Bakar, Hamzeh Omar Naiim for their success in Social economic certification

Osman Kadour will marriage int her first of the next month, congratulation


Congratulation to chadi Osman after his success in second busness year in Boukharest Romania

chadi Osman will come from Romania for an trip

Louai Ayach will come from Germany for an trip

Last thursday Mr. Alaa El Hassan and Fatme Fatek El Hassan married, congratulation


we annonce with every sorry about Maha Hassoun Hassoun dead in Australia (Mr. Mustafa Kirdi's wife), our consolation to her family


Mhamad Rachad EL Hassan, Ahmad Khaled EL HASSAN, Omran Boukhari success in general science cetificate (Mathelem), congratulation

Wael Mhamad mustafa, Zeinab Mhamad Rifaii(Mustafa and Ahmad rifaii sister) and Basir AbdELNASER Mustafa success in Life science (SV) cetificate, congratulation


Khaled mslmani finish his study in russia and get an engineering degree in communication, congratulation

Next monday inchALLAH Rabih Mahoud al Halabi and Maya hlmi nasrat wedding, congratulation

bashir badawi return next 17'th from Hanouver Germany.


Talih SaadALLAH AL Halabi success in third university year (computer communication Last year) in BCU university, congratulation

Siham Imad AL Halabi success in third university year (Math Last year) in USJ university, congratulation


Nabil Tarraf get a new baby (Amro), congratulation

Rabah Nidal AL halabi success in second university year (managment) in BAU university, congratulation


we annonce with every sorry about Hajeh Jouhayna Hamad dead (Mr. Malek Hamad's mother), our consolation to her family


Rami Emad AL HALABI success in first enginnering year in BAU university, congratulation


Rabih Mahmoud AL HALABI and Maya Nasrat determine there wedding next month at 9.


Hussein Mattar return from Bresil


congratulation to Jina Amer AL HALABI after her engagment


Chaikh Naser Slayman enter in health care in Akkar Hospitality

today engagment of walid Ahmad AL HALABI 's doughter, congratulation


Halba municipality open two secondary ways for the weighted vehicles


Raed Khalil comme from Rusia next month (23/6/06)


Khaled AL Ragab open a new Internet cofee in Kobe at Cheikh Taba cross, congratulation


Rouaim Nafeh and Manal Hammoud get a new babe (Rouaa), congratulation


Dr. Ahmad AL Akoumi (female medicine spesialist) open a special clinic in Makoul Center (back yard)


New Poll (vote) was added to our site about Mondial. go to poll page to vote


We announce with every sorry about Mr. Koder Ahmad Kadour after cancer resistance our consolation to his family...


Today Jalal Malek Nafeh Engagment, Congratulation.


Mr. Amin Naiim and his wife comme from Australy


Halba official Hospitality begin to receive patients in Ray and External clinic Departments


Some error was corrected in arabic website version


A Festival for worker day in official complementary school of Halba


Engineer Zakaria Zohbi and his wife Dr. Diaa Abd Al KARIM Hammoud get a new baby (Leen), congratulation


Kaisar Trad visit Lebanon for a bref trip


Congratulation to Mr. AbdALLAH Rachid and Zena Jamil Hammoud after there marriage (last week)

Fouad Mahmoud Ayach still sleeping in Roum Hospitality with stabilized and good health


Mahmoud and Fatme Al Halabi get a new baby (Yara), congratulation


Oumra Trips begin to comeback from Saudia Arabia

Issam Al Halabi and his wife left to Maroco for a Trip


Khawla Ahmad AL HALABI left to Italy


Our website cover Akkar Minifootball league


Two Omra trips left to Saudia Arabia


Beirut marathon organisation announce Mr. Dawood Bachir Mustafa (Dr. AbduLNASER Mustafa Brother ) winner of its race in Tripoli last month.

visit to view the officiel results


Congratulation to Imad Khoder Toukik Al Halabi after his wedding


Congratulation to Msbah Hussein Hamoud after his marriage

Fouad Mahmoud Ayach exited from Akkar Hospitality with good health


Khawla Ahmad AL Halabi comme from Italy to Leanon for a trip


today after noon Lebanon live a partial sun eclipse


Amer Ahmad AL Saiid enter in millitary service


We announce with every sorry about Engineer Ihsan AL Amin dead (Osama Mustafe AL Jindi Husband) after heart trouble. our consolation to his family...


Today night, Mitlej and Farah Tarraf (Ahmad Tarraf sister) wedding in Salsabil Hall (Souwaiseh), congratulation


New Joke was added to Joke Page


Yesterday, GOD saved Fouad Mahmoud Ayach after mountain stones fall, he is now in Akkar Hospitality.


We announce with every sorry about Souhaila Diab dead (Om Anoir). our consolation to her family...

We announce with every sorry about Samir Khadour Khadour dead (Hajj Mounir brother). our consolation to his family...


We announce with every sorry about Nabil Mustafa Khadour dead (34 years old) after heart trouble. our consolation to his family...


We announce with every sorry about Abd AL MAJID Khaled AL HALABI dead ( Abou Gazi) after heart trouble. our consolation to his family...


We announce with every sorry about Hajeh Jihan Khoder Al AbdALLAH ( Om Mhamad, Mohamad Rian AL Halabi Mother) dead. our consolation to her family...


Offical Halba Hospital open for management job only. Soon job will begin


We announce with every sorry about Mr Ahmad AL SAYD (abou ALi) dead after track accident. our consolation to his family...


Mr. Mustafa Kerdi and his family here for three months


Today Manrar Television broadcast a live program from Halba municipality Building about Akkar people life problems


Farah Hamoud success in 2th and last stage of lebanease civil service exam for social Experiment in HalbA Hospital and get the first place to be able to get the job opportunitie. congratulation


Kaled Khadour left to Kuwait for a job opportunitie

Farah Hamoud success in 1th stage of lebanease civil service exam for social Experiment in HalbA Hospital.

Siham Imad AL HALABI success in 5th semestre Math USJ university

Rami Imad AL HALABI success in 1th semestre Engineer BAU university

Talih SaadALLAH AL HALABI success in 5th semestre in computer communication in BCU university


Engineer Ahmad Abd AL HAA voyage to Canada for a job opportunitie

Today Mr. Bassam AZo wedding, congratulation.


We announce with every sorry about Zahra Ahmad charif AL HALABY dead. our consolation to her family...


We announce with every sorry about M. Kaoukab AL HALABY (Om Gazi, Mr. Aboud Galeb Hamdach's wife and Aboud Hamdach's Grand Mother) dead. our consolation to her family...


tomorrow inchALLAH, hajj Trips begin to comeback.


Alaa OSMAN get a new job (network administrator)in Monopri (Aljanah, Beirut)


today night, Maysaa Soubhi Al ZAART wedding in Saida City.


Mr. Firas OSAMN return from Canada.


new smart vote was added to poll page.


in year 2005 our website record most of 1500 visitors (more than 1200 english access and more than 300 arabic access)

this growth help all peaple to fing to our website from wether search engine (google, altavista...)

go to, type salam club halba football in search text box and view our url address in the first place

you can also access to our website and download imge or view last news from each mobile phone have an gprs or umts settings


Imad Al AbdALLAH and his wife left to arabic saudia to perform hajj duty.


Hajj Trips begin to left to Arabic Saudia: Mr. Abd AL RAHIM Hussein Hammoud (abou tamam) and his wife, Hiba Msbah Hammoud and Oumayma Ahmad Hammoud,Sabah NAFEH, Mhamad Hussein Hamoud and his wife,Mazhar Rajab Wife (om Hussein),Cheikh Nases Slayman, Hajj Fouad Mthlej, Ahmad Adb ALMAJID Hammoud (Abou Ziad) and his wife, Mhamad AL Zohbi and his wife, Mr. Omar Hammoud and his wife, Ahmad AL HAYEK.


Tomorrow, with the goverment Elias METRI presence, Mr. Elias NKOULA sign his book (touch fall)in Modern school


Thanks GOD until now no body from Halba citizen was deffected with last events happening in Sudney (Australia)


next thursday inchALLAH, AbdALLAH ISMAIL Engamenet (write book)in Salsabil restaurant


-congratulation to Mr. Mohamad Slayman EL HALABI after his engagment -Alaa Osman register in CNAM university to complete Electronic engineer (fourth year) -CNAM university decide to open next semestre a branche in NORTH (ABOU SAMRA) -Hajeh Sabiha HAMOUD return from Australia (Sudney)


congratulation,Bachar ZOBI get a new baby (Mahrous).


congratulation to Dr. AbdulNASER Mustafa after official Halba hospital director post handel.


congratulation to Mr. AbdALLAH ISMAIL after his engagment congratulation to Mr. SAMER AYACH after his wedding


Congratulation to Daoud Mustafa after win second place in national competition of Beirut Maraton and sixth place in international competition


Mr. Ahmad hamoud return from Saudi arabia (omra)

Talih Saad ALLAH ALHALABI continue a computer telecommunication BS in BCU university


We announce with every sorry about Mr. Mohamad Hamdach (abou ali) dead. our consolation to his family...


Hajj Hussein Mattar get a new baby (Mohmammed)

Raed Khalil leave to RUSSIA to complete his studies (Managment)


Bilal Chaar return from liberia.

Walid Khaled EL HASSAN accepted in Rouh Alkodos University Kasslik Managment department.


Assessment about “Hayd between Religion discipline and medical”, Dr. Ahmad Akoumeh and introduced by M. Ahmad AL HALABI in Kalaa Mosque at 16 O’Clock,


congratulation to Khoder Adel EL HASSAN for his wedding

congratulation to Mhammad Adel EL HASSAN for his wedding


We announce with every sorry about Mr. Milad Sarkis (Pharmacy) dead after cancer resistance. our consolation to his family...


New Vote was added to Poll page


Congratulation to M Rami Imad HALABI after his acceptance in Beirut Arabic university (BAU) like an engineer


Congratulation to M Samer Ayach After his engagement.


Chadi OSMAN return to Romania


We announce with every sorry about Mr. Mohammad Jamil HAMMOUD (Mr. Rahad Hammoud Broter) dead. our consolation to his family...


We announce with every sorry about Mr. Mohammad Abd Al Majid HAMMOUD dead. our consolation to his family...


today Dr. Wassim Abd AL karim Hammoud and Farah Hammoud Wedding, congratulation

next Moday they left twice to Italy, Grece, Paris for a wedding trip


tomorrow Hussam Ahmad Ayach and Nagam Mohammad Ayach wedding, Salsabil Restaurant at 7:00PM,congratulation


Mustafa Rifaii return Okrain


Tomorrow Firas Osman left to Monrial (canada) to complete his PHD


our site begin to dicover Akka football league events

new vote was added to poll page


Siham Imad AL HALABI success in second university year,Math option USJ


Rabih Farouk Hamdach return from Australy.

Talih SaadALLAH AL HALABI success in Information and Managment (TS) certification , congratulation.

Alaa Osman success in Electronics (LT) certification , congratulation.


Walid Khaled El Hassan success in Information and Comptabiliy Technical Baccaleria (Bt) certification , congratulation.


Jamil Diab left to Dosseldorf Germany to continue his studies


congratulation to Mr. ALi Kassem KALAKECH after information phd (doctorat) from Toulouse (France) university, new doctor was added to our humain ressource


congratulation to Rawad Saiid AL HALABI after his success in Bacaloria certificate in electronics option


today the annual trap to KAmouaa


congratulation to Abd AL KADER Mouhammad AL HALABI (Rayan) after his success in technical brevet


today Dr. Khaled CHAABAN and Rouba Tarek ISMAIL engagment, congratulation


conratulation to Bouchra Ahmad AYACH and Manar Imad AL HALABI after biology liscence handel from lebanese university


today Mr. Hicham HAMMOUD wedding in Kasser restaurant, merry marriage


congratulation to Maan ALOUCH after his success in life science certificate


Chadi OSMAN return from Romania


congratulation to Hanan Isam AL HALABI (good),Amani Gazi AL HALABI (good),Nirmin Ahmad EL HASSAN,Fayze Mohammad AL HALABI (Charif),Amani Mustafa Youniss, Chadi Fadi AL HALABI, Amer Ahmad AL SAYD,Mazen DIAB,Fatme Adel EL HASSAN. after their success in Brevet certification


today Rouaim Nafeh and Manal Mahmoud Hamoud wedding, merry marriage

congratulation to Ahmad tarraf after his success in first university year, biologie option in Lebanese University

congratulation to Rouba Tarek Ismail after her success in second university year , biologie option in Lebanse University

congratulation to Hend Nadim EL HASSAN after her success in first university year, Physics option in Lebanese University


congratulation to Alaa Hassan (dandachi) and Fatme Fatek EL HASSAN after their engagment


congratulation to Jamal Abd ALHAMID Al Halabi(11.7),Mayssam Sayd Al Halabi (10.5) and Mohammad Ahmad HAMMOUD (10.5) after their success in life science certification


We announce with every sorry about Mr. Adnan Mohammad AL HALABI "AL AMIR" (Bilal father) dead. after cancer resistance.our consolation to his family...


Congratulation to Fatme Fatek ELHASSAN(10.7), Lama Soubhi AL HALABI (11), Rami Imad ALHALBI (12.91) after their success in general science (matelem) certfication


Congratulation to engineer Bassel GREIG after mecanical engineer diblome handel from Lebanese university, and after bourse handel to complete master in American university of Beirut (AUB)


Dr. Najib HALAK return from Marseil (France)


Clean operation was begining in HALBA for election announce, HALBA municipality invited and Salam club members and others execute this job


M. Mohammad Khoder IBRAHIM return from ABOU ZABI (EMARAT)


Paint composition was finishing in Orthodox school


M. Mustafa RIFAII return from UKRAINIA


A new small entertainment city opened in Halba


Jawdat AL HALABI enter in Lebanese Army.


new poll was added to poll page about election,visit poll page to vote


today north election, we hope vote to the best, and good luck to all


We announce with every sorry about hajj Issam AL ZOHBI (Yahya father) dead. our consolation to his family...


We announce with every sorry about Mr. Mounir AL ACHKAR dead, our consolation to his family.


Samer AYACH return from Melborn (AUSTRALY) with his parent.

Mahmoud KADOUR (abou Chowki) and his wife return from Melborn (AUSTRALY) after a trip, to present their son wedding (Mahmoud, abou hamze)


We announce with every sorry about Mr. Khaled AL ABDALLAH (Hussein father) dead after car accident in JBEIL, our consolation to his family.


Annual dinner for Tadamon Al nassawi corporation. In Khan Alsaegh restaurant.


We announce with every sorry the last deputize Hassan EZ ELDINE dead, our consolation to his family.


An islamic paints art began in Halba, Mr. Jihad MORBEH.


we began insert arabic language to our site, just click arabic language on the top of this page. if arabic language is not appear clearly, go to view menu , encoding, more, Arabic windows.


you can get online weather service on our site, go to online weather Page.


New Poll page updated to our site. vote for more opinions charing.


A new collaboration industrial and development association was established in HALBA and its environment, for more information you can call Engineer Ibrahim EL HASSAN at number 03/371729.


Next Thursday is Bilal ISSA wedding date, congratulation.


Majed AYACH, return from SIRALION.


We announce with every sorry about Jamil AL ABDALLAH (SAAD and HASSAN father) dead. our consolation to his family...


We announce with every sorry about Mahamoud IBRAHIM AL HALABI(Previous Kateb Adel) dead. our consolation to his family...


Naser AYACH get a new baby (first baby, girl), congratulation.


Charif AL HALABI enter in lebanese army, congratulation.


Firas OSMAN return from SYRIA after Lebanese nuclear power comity training


Our website visitors counter grow up to 1000 visitors


Firas OSMAN left to syria for Lebanese nuclear power comity training


Bilal AYACH left to Melborn (AUSTRALIA), we hope a good luck in his migration.


We announce with every sorry about hajj Mohammad AL ABDALLAH (Aref, Amer,Imad, Naser, Fadi father) dead. our consolation to his family...


You can access to our website from any mobile phone have a GPRS or umts connection and download our logo or any other picture.


about 25 Salam Club memberships participate in Lebanese union racing. in Bierut.


An important meeting join our club memberships with HALBA municipal president Mr. Saiid AL HALABI. good comments inshALLAH.


Congratulation to Ahmad MRAD after his engagment.


Firas OSMAN return from Egypt.


Works begin in Halba official Technical school center at Bayader zone across Zaraa.


Rabiaa MATAR gets a new baby, (son), congratulation


We announce with every sorry about hajj Nazir AL HALABI dead after cancer resistance. our consolation to his family...


We announce with every sorry about Abdel KADER HARFOUCH (abou Mhamad, had a domestic tools store in Halba near of Mostawsef houkoumeh ) dead after heart problemes. our consolation to his family...


new image uploaded to press room page


We announce with every sorry about Mahmoud AL ALI (abou Ali sis) dead. our consolation to his family...


Lebanse army remove Syrian monuments from Halba

Firas OSMAN left to Egypt for Lebanese nuclear power comity training

16/3/2005Syrian Intelligent men (mokhabarat) exit from Halba after 30 years.15/3/2005-Abd AL WAHHAB AL ZAART got a good career in Beirut company-Jamil DIAB got the second level in Germany language-Bashir BADAWI and Mouhammad RIFAII achieve first semester in prepare year study (Dosledorf and Akhen respectively)

-Mhammad HAMMOUD began first year of university study (machine engineer) in Doseldorf


Imad Khoder IBRAHIM come from USA for a trip, welcome


Mohammad HAMMOUD left to Germany. good bye.


We announce with every sorry about Riad AL ACHKAR dead. our consolation to his family...


-Congratulation to M. Mohammad Adel EL HALABI after his engagment.

-Congratulation to Hicham Mohammad EL HASSAN after his wedding.